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Kundasang Dairy Farm (Desa Cattle) Chinese History Museum Kuching, Sarawak Tip of Borneo: Tanjung Simpang Mengayau Kudat Mount Kinabalu Heritage Resort Spa, Kundasang Wedding Photography Workshop

27 March 2012

Beautiful Borneo

Perhaps, someone will asking, why I chose the name My Beautiful Borneo. Here I will explain.

Borneo is the world's third largest island. Only Greenland and New Guinea are larger. With an area about 287,000 square mile (743,330 square kilometers), Borneo is larger than many nations of the world. Borneo straddles the equator at the western end of Pacific Ocean. To the north, across the South China Sea, is the mainland of Asia.

Politically, the island is divided among three separate nations: Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. Kalimantan, the largest region of Borneo, belong to Indonesia. Mean, approximately 73% of the island is Indonesian territory. Sabah and Sarawak to Malaysia and together are known as East Malaysia. Brunei, a tiny, oil-rich nation, is situated on the northwestern coast of the island.

The Island is surrounded by four oceans that keep a lot of the history of human civilization in the past, the South China Sea and Sulu Sea lie to the north, the Celebes Sea to the east and the Java sea to the south. Borneo's highest point is Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, Malaysia, with an elevation of 4,095 m (13,435 ft) above sea level. Beside that, Borneo Island is home to the most unique animal and plant species. Some of them are among the most unusual in the world. Those are the privileges of Borneo Island.
Mount Kinabalu View
Other than its nature, Borneo also famous with its population of ethnicity, culture, customs and religion. For example, there are more than 30 ethnic groups with no less than 80 dialects. Over thirty of the language is owned by indigenous people such as Dayak, Murut, Bajau, Rungus, Latod, Irranun, Talantang, Sonsogon, Likabau, Garoh (Kimaragang), Tinagas, Idahan, Sungai and Dusun.

The existence of various ethnic groups should surely many cultures and festivals that are celebrate. That is what I will highlight in this blog.

26 March 2012

A Simple Photography, Tourism & Travel Blog

Hi. My name is and I love taking pictures. My interest started when my father presented an entry-level camera on my birthday. Since then, I am much like to take pictures. Sometimes, I don't really care much about the subject and technically in photographs. I love to do photography because I like to look these and think about those moments. And of course, it can bring back old memories!

Besides taking pictures, I am also interested in tourism and travel. Many places in my country I've visited. Mostly I do with my family and sometimes I do it alone. And of course every place I visit I will capture with my camera lens. There's something about getting out there with the challenge of capturing some of the amazing beauty that I see. This is great moments and an inexhaustible source of inspiration.
I know, sometimes an entry-level camera can limit the photographer; because it does not offer some useful features compared than advanced cameras do offer. So, what do I need to do is maximize the functions of my camera. The best way to learn about it is to find information on how to improve my skills and can take interesting photos with an entry-level camera.

There's a lot of information available where I can learn many things. One thing I learned from reading; taking good pictures does not depend on expensive camera equipment. Mostly you need to stand in the right place and be ready for the right moment!
Seeing a lot of people posting photos in some sites has made me want to do the same to my photos. I want some titles made for them and make them online 'life' in my own blog. So this is it! I hope you enjoy my photos and my traveling experience too. I am not a professional photographer but I try!