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Kundasang Dairy Farm (Desa Cattle) Chinese History Museum Kuching, Sarawak Tip of Borneo: Tanjung Simpang Mengayau Kudat Mount Kinabalu Heritage Resort Spa, Kundasang Wedding Photography Workshop

30 July 2013

The Milky Way Photos

Many travel and landscape photographers do not to miss the opportunity to shoot the night sky views, including myself. I sometimes explore opportunities to take pictures of the stars and the Milky Way at night. Often the results, can depending on luck. 

Sometimes we are lucky enough to shoot the night sky. Sometimes the sky is too dark the clouds and we did not get anything. But if we are lucky, we will get a unique picture, although not perfect. 

These amazing photos show our Milky Way galaxy from the inside out. The Milky Way is actually a galaxy - a large system of stars, gas (mostly hydrogen), dust and dark matter that orbits a common center and is bound together by gravity.