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7 June 2012

The Mystery of Batu Gerawang

Batu Gerawang is a stone shaped like a gate that has its own story. If you visit the Supirak island, you can also come to visit the Batu Gerawang in same day because it is located on the beach, not far from the island. The beach is also known as 'Torong Putih' (White cape) because the beach is clean and shiny.
I was the first stop in that place also quite impressed with the natural phenomenon at this place. The Batu Gerawang is not only unique and exotic look, but there is another story behind its existence.
The villagers who took us there told, Batu Gerawang also has related with the myth of Supirak Island. They claimed that this stone is an old woman called 'Odu Gerawang'. Odu Gerawang was the mother of Supirak, a sea captain who was cursed by his mother for his unfilial manner (read the story here).
Odu Gerawang was very sad and chagrined after cursed Supirak and his entire crew. She then knew that her life is meaningless without Supirak and prayed to God that she also turned into stone.
Another interesting story about this place is the freshwater springs coming out from between the rocks located in a salty environment, being by the sea. The people in this area believe the freshwater spring is Odu Gerawang's tears. I will write about that in next post.
Actually, there are many and various interesting sites in Pitas district that can be of great interest to tourists. However, only a little information is available online. For example, before writing this post, I tried to find some information about 'Batu Dulang Kampung Malubang' using search engines. The search results show there is only several blog or website has write about Batu Gerawang. So, I would like to remind that there may be a picture or description on this blog with another blog. Copyright issues will not arise because both are owned by the same person.
For those who the first time visiting this blog and would like to know how to come to Kampung Malubang, just read the Cursed Ship of Supirak.

Ezzat RoslanPosted By Ezzat Roslan

A big THANKS to all the readers who visited My Beautiful Borneo. All articles in this blog are based on my own personal experiences. If this article useful, you can share with other readers on FACEBOOK or TWITTER. If there's anything you're still curious about, let me know in the comments. Thank You


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